HLC and Mindray were “Gold Sponsor” of International Palestinian Conference for Laboratory Medicine (IPCLM), organized by Palestinian Medical Technologists Association (PMTA); 24-26 Aug. HLC exhibited some of its products in exhibition area of IPCLM its booth.Read More
As part of HLC endeavor to improve its services according to the highest internationally recommended quality standards, the company recently obtained the GDP “Good Distribution Practices” Certificate. We congratulate HLC staff for this wonderful and distinguished achievement, which will contribute to improving the services provided by the company, and increasing customer satisfaction. GDP- Certificate...Read More
As part of HLC endeavor to improve its services according to the highest internationally recommended quality standards, the company recently obtained the ISO9001:2015 Quality Management System Certificate. We congratulate HLC staff for this wonderful and distinguished achievement, which will contribute to improving the services provided by the company, continuous improvement, and increasing customer satisfaction. ISO...Read More
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